Instrinsic Sports will design a competition for your company; inter departmental, inter firm or inter industry. We are happy to run events tailored to the fitness level of your employees and co-workers. We can design your competition to the size of your internal company workgroups or departments.
Your competition may be run at lunchtime, during the work day or of an evening. Depending on the time of year, both indoor and outdoor competitioins may be run. Sports on offer include soccer, touch football and netball. Multi sport events may also be arranged, where your employees and co-workers will have an opportunity to excel in, or try, a variety of sports.
Instrinsix sports will arrange the venue, design the competition and set the draw; provide all equipment and stadd required for your chosen sport(s); and provide winning team traphies and incentives. A customised sporting competition is an excellent team building tool, providing the opportunity for your empliees and co-workers to interact in a friendly, yet competitive environment away from the pressures of the workplace.